Month: February 2014

Remember and Pray

Hello Friends,

This week I was privileged to sit down and talk with a dear brother, a pastor from Lebanon.  His church has been steadfastly helping the refugees of Syria for many months. Feeding The Nations has been blessed to be able to help provide family boxes of food, blankets, clothing and other necessities for these refugees. These people have literally fled their homes with the clothes on their backs.

The pastor shared many stories of how the tangible gift of food and clothing opens the door to share the love of Jesus. He also told stories of the high price people are paying for their faith.  Many believers around the world are paying a price for their faith!  Here in the West, we are not asked to pay a high price, yes, you may lose a few associations, maybe someone will make fun of your beliefs, but friends, these things pale in comparison to the suffering of our brothers and sisters around the globe.

So what can we do? Pray. Pray for those around the world who are suffering for their faith. Pray for those who are lost and hurting.  The Apostle Paul, who was no stranger to persecution himself,  said in Hebrews to “Remember also those being mistreated, as if you felt their pain in your own bodies.” (Hebews 3:13 NLT) Remember, and pray.