Joy To The World!

Joy To The World!

 “Joy to the world the Lord has come!”

Jesus has come! Joy everlasting has come to the world! We are grateful for the gift of Joy that God gave to the earth over 2,000 years ago at Christmas.


Miriam Webster’s dictionary defines joy as “a source or cause of great happiness: something or someone that gives joy to someone.”  Jesus is our source! He can be our constant joy, joy that is not dependent on circumstances, but joy that comes from knowing, way deep down on the inside, who Jesus is, from having a relationship through Jesus with our heavenly Father.
The Word of God says “the joy of the Lord is your strength” Let him be your strength this Christmas. Rejoice that God sent His son to the earth for you and for me, so we could have everlasting Joy and so that we can give the good news of “joy to the world” to others.