Table Talk with Steve Sumrall

The Holy Land

The Holy Land…one of my favorite places in the world. From the minute your feet hit the ground, if feels like coming home.

Israel was home to my family in 1956. I was 6 years old and we were there because my dad, Lester Sumrall, was studying prophecy and was lecturing in and around Jerusalem. After we arrived, the Sinai War broke out. We were living in a brand new hotel in Jerusalem. What an interesting time to take your family to the Middle East! As usual, my dad did not make decisions based on fear and even in the middle of the war, we were safe and my memories are happy ones.

That’s one of the beautiful things about Israel…even in the midst of an intense political climate, there is an undeniable peace.

One of my favorite spots in Israel is the Sea of Galilee. Taking a boat ride to the the middle of the sea is a highlight of our tour. You can feel the very tangible presence of Jesus and it’s easy to imagine what it would have been like to be a disciple on a boat in the middle of the storm. Jesus spoke peace to the atmosphere in that very spot. Wow! What an amazing thing to be right where Jesus walked and talked.

                                                                    The Sea of Galilee

As believers, so much prophecy will be fulfilled from the Holy Land. It is a unique place with a unique past, present, and future for us as the body of Christ.

I would love for you to follow along on our journey as Provident Ministries tours the Holy Land. You can find me on Facebook and Instagram (@stevesumrall50). Better yet, I would love to see YOU next year in Jerusalem with us!

Changing Seasons

I love the changing of the seasons. With the end of one season, new and exciting things are on the horizon with another. What a great reminder of what God is doing…always on the move, changing our hearts and minds, season to season.

Summer 2018 has been an awesome one. I had the privilege of being a part of World of Life in Uppsala, Sweden, in July. What a great time that was sharing about the ministry and legacy of my dad, Lester Sumrall, and connecting with all of my Swedish and European friends at the conference. The good people at Word of Life have been long-time friends of mine. It’s a blessing to continue to work alongside each other in bringing food and the gospel around the world through Feeding The Nations.

A few weeks ago, Diane and I made our way across the pond to Ireland and Scotland. It’s always a joy and blessing to be with our friend, Sherrie Hadden. Diane and I ministered together as we celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary. God is good!

In about a month, I am kicking off my travel time for the fall and headed to Athens, Greece. There, I will be visiting a church that is reaching out to help misplaced refugees that our organization, Feeding The Nations, has helped in their time of crisis. I will also be visiting a free medical clinic where people can come and get the help they need at no cost to them. God is doing mighty things all across the earth and I’m just thankful I get to be a part of it!

Thanks for following along with my travels this summer. Keep a look out on Facebook for fall updates and my trip to Greece.

God bless,
Pastor Steve

Thankful for Summer!

Ahhh, summer. I love everything about it. The heat, the longer days, and extra time spent with family and friends. Some of my happiest memories as a kid were spent in the heat of the Orient with my mom, dad, and brothers.

On one occasion, my brothers and I convinced mom to take us to Deep Water Bay—a beach on the opposite side of where we were living on Hong Kong Island—during the rainy season. The weather was terrible for driving, yet we persisted. On the way to the beach, our car just about veered off a mountain into a muddy abyss below. Needless to say, we did not go to the beach that day, and we learned an important lesson on taking Mom’s “no” for an answer!

Traveling has always been a highlight of our family’s summer. I particularly look forward to July when I get to visit Uppsala, Sweden, for the annual Europe Conference at Word of Life. Sweden is absolutely beautiful in the summer and I always enjoy connecting with my Swedish friends at an amazing conference.

Follow me on Facebook where I will post links to live coverage of the conference. I know you will be blessed.



You’re Invited to Reawaken

Life gets busy. Try as we might to keep our focus on God, we can get tired, distracted and weary. We have need of endurance and encouragement to finish this race we are called to run, and to run it with confidence and strength. As Hebrews 10:36 says, “For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised.”

And so, I want to invite you to Reawaken.

Every year, I look forward to our Summit conference. This year, it will be June 22-24 at the Christ Chapel campus in South Bend, IN. The theme is Reawaken, and we will focus on encountering God’s presence and His call on our lives even during seasons of distraction.

The Word tells us to wake those who are slumbering. All of us need to awaken, particularly now, and truly focus on what is significant to God—His children. Our selfish desires should be close to the bottom of the list; they weigh us down, hinder our progress and interfere with our ability to run swiftly!

Like every year, we have asked some great Bible teachers and missionaries to speak during this conference. Linda Turner, Jess Gibson, Carl-Gustaf Severin and I will be sharing the message throughout the weekend.

We will also recognize our new members of the Provident Network. During a luncheon on Saturday, will have the opportunity to hear more about how Feeding the Nations is bringing the abundance of the first world to the hungry and hurting around the world.

The event begins Friday, June 22 at 7:00 p.m. and wraps up with Sunday morning worship. Other than for the optional luncheon, there is no cost and no registration necessary. This is our gift to you. We hope you will join us.

I know you will be abundantly blessed! Please make every effort to attend Summit 2018: Reawaken! Now is the time!

For more information, including how to reserve a ticket for the luncheon, visit

I am an MK (a.k.a. Missionary Kid)

I was raised on the mission field. I am what you would call an MK…Missionary Kid. Traveling all over the world and living in Hong Kong, the Philippines and Israel as a young boy, I got to experience God doing wonderful things on the earth.

We are excited to bring stories from the field right here to South Bend for our Summit 2018 conference weekend. Join us as we welcome Linda Turner who is a missionary to the nations and our friend Carl-Gustaf Severin who has traveled to the farthest corners of the earth with the Gospel.

God has provided us with a 10,000-square-foot warehouse for our feeding program, Feeding the Nations, right here at our campus in South Bend! Join us Saturday afternoon for a wonderful luncheon in our warehouse. We will be sharing stories of those we have reached this year with food and the gospel. I have always said that food is a very small key that opens a great, big door.

We are expectant for what God is going to do during Summit weekend. Come have your heart and spirit renewed with stories of HOPE and FAITH in our great God.

I hope to see you in South Bend June 22-24. Click for more information and to reserve your seat at the luncheon.


Encounter: Experiencing the Presence of God

I want to take a moment to invite you to a special conference we are hosting June 23-25. Encounter: Experiencing the Presence of God is just a few weeks away and I cannot tell you how much I am looking forward to it. It is going to be a weekend of learning together, growing together and worshipping our Creator.

The weekend will kick off with a concert by the amazingly talented Sean Feucht on Friday evening. On Saturday, Jess Gibson will share a bit of his wisdom and insight with us.

In preparation for the Summit, I wanted to share this video clip with you. This is just a taste of what we will experience during the Friday concert:

Plan to join us at Encounter Friday, June 23 through Sunday, June 25. The whole family is invited to this free event. This is our gift to you, so join with us for a weekend of growing in your faith and understanding of God through inspiring teaching, laughter and worship. Click here for more details.

You’re Invited to Israel: It Will Change Your Life

It will change your life. I’m not talking about a new job, a new weight loss program or anything like that. What I have to share with you is an opportunity that could really change your life. It changed mine and my wife Diane’s many years ago, and I’d like to invite you to experience the same thing.

On April 25-May 4, 2017, Diane and I will be leading a tour of Israel. I’ve had the privilege to travel to many places throughout my lifetime, but few have impacted me as much as Israel. The chance to walk where Jesus walked, to see the landscape that He called home, to visit the sites that we read about in the Bible is a holy experience like none other. And you’re invited to see it for yourself.

In Israel, we will sit on the hillside of the Mount of Beatitudes, visit the Apostle Peter’s house in Capernaum, take a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, be baptized in the Jordan River, pray in the Garden of Gethsemane, see the Pool of Bethesda where Jesus healed the cripple, walk the Via Dolorosa and rejoice at the Garden Tomb. These are just a handful of the amazing spiritual experiences that await you in Israel. You will see where Jesus walked. You will explore the land he called home. You will feel the Bible come to life. You will come home a different person.

You're invited to Israel. It will change your life.The question is: are you ready to have your life changed? Whether you have been to Israel before or this is will be your first trip, are you ready to see the landscapes of the Bible come to life before your eyes? If so, the good news is that we still have openings available, so register today. This 10-day trip comes at a phenomenal price that beats most any other tours out there right now, so don’t delay in registering.

Come and experience the Holy Land like you never have before and even if you have gone before. Trust me when I say this trip will change your life.

For more information, visit our Provident Ministries website.












A Living Sacrifice

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” ~Romans 12:1-2

Paul emphasizes the truth that we’ve all been given grace and a measure of faith. He said we are many, we are diverse, yet we are one body in Christ. We, being many, are one body in Christ and individually members of one another. (Romans 12:5)

As ministers of the Gospel, we are requested to surrender our minds, our will and emotions, even our bodies to fulfill His purpose for our calling. We are urged by the Apostle to use the gifts God has given, with humility and sincerity, resisting the temptation to conform to this world. Paul tells us to be transformed by renewing our minds in surrender, to the acceptable and ultimately perfect will of God.

Paul said cling to what is good, love without hypocrisy and be kind. We are to honor one another, being fervent in spirit as we serve the Lord. We are urged to pursue hospitality and distribute to the needs of the saints, blessing those who persecute us. We are told to honor one another and be steadfast in patience, hope, unity, perseverance, prayer and peace.

Some of the greatest words of advice ever given are found in Romans 12. The ultimate? “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” (Romans 12:21)

Cling to those words as you lean into your calling, as you serve the body of Christ and live out God’s will.

Perspective in the Simple Moments

Recently, Pastor Diane spent some time in the Ukraine with our ministry partner Svetlana of Heart to Heart Ministry. Feeding The Nations had provided $5000, so the ministry could purchase much-needed food and items for orphans, elderly and refugees within the country. She had the privilege of helping distribute these items.

And she’ll never forget the moments that touched her deeply, both joy-filled and heart-wrenching moments.

Perspective in the Simple Moments Perspective in the Simple Moments Perspective in the Simple Moments

She told me of the joy and delight she saw in the eyes of orphans who received much-needed food, and special gifts and toys. She sat with them and made crafts. She took them bowling and to tea. She gave clothes and coats to refugees. She sat beside elderly in Hospice care who have been forgotten by their family. She gave them blankets, food and the rare treat of bananas. She told me that some of these people had never tasted a banana before. Can you imagine?

Sometimes showing God’s love is as simple as extending a gift that seems so commonplace to us. Sometimes it’s covering an elderly person with a blanket or sitting with a child as she creates a necklace that she will wear with great pride.

God is in the big, miraculous moments. And, let us not forget that He’s also in the simple ones.

Europe Conference

For many years now I have been blessed to be invited as one of the speakers at Word Of Life’s Europe Conference. It is my honor and great privilege to minister at this conference in Uppsala Sweden.

I am headed to Word Of Life today and will be ministering Thursday. We have been blessed with many wonderful years of friendship with so many people from Word of Life. I have so many wonderful memories and am looking forward to seeing many friends of the ministry.

The conference is being broadcasted live, you can follow the link below to the schedule of events and a list of speakers. I hope you will tune in. I know you will be greatly blessed.

Myself and Pastor Joakim Lundqvist
